mercoledì 27 aprile 2016

So Incredible

Mina watched her lover, Ryoko, explaining the math equation to the class. Mina and Ryoko have been together a year and one month now, and their relationship was strong and deep.

Mina was a small, timid, and clumsy girl. Ryoko was the tall, sociable, and intelligent one. Ryoko, unlike Mina, was a very hard worker. Not only was she the second in honor roll, but she was also class rep, and student vice president! The reason she was both class rep, and student vice president was because the teachers really liked her, since not only did she have high grades, but she helped around the school a lot and didn't miss a single day nor lesson.

"I'm a bit of a chump when I compare her to me..," Mina thought while sighing.

Class ended and it was lunch time. As Ryoko talked with the teacher, Mina got up and started heading towards the door. Before she walked out the door, Ryoko grabbed her arm gently and pulled her into a hug. One hand was on Mina's back while the other hand was in her hair.

"Is everything ok, sweetie?", Ryoko asked. Her purple orbs were full of worry and curiosity for her lover.

Mina blushed madly since she hadn't noticed the teacher had left, and they were alone.

"Y-yes, everything is f-fine..", Mina said stuttering. She averted her gaze from her lover's, looking out the window while biting her lower lip.

Ryoko captured Mina's chin, and made her look at her in the eyes. Mina's blue orbs stared into Ryoko's purple ones. Ryoko kissed Mina's forehead and asked again:

"Is everything ok, sweetie?", Ryoko asked with a deep voice, staring at Mina lovingly.

Mina's blush worsened. Why was she hesitating to tell her lover what was on her mind? Why didn't she want to tell Ryoko that she was so amazing?..

"I-I miss you...", Mina told her. Ok, maybe it wasn't the complete truth... but it was somewhat part of it.

Ryoko smiled, held Mina close to her, and gave her a loving kiss on her lips, a kiss which Mina returned.

"I miss you too..", Ryoko said as they parted from the kiss.

Mina hugged Ryoko, and she could feel butterflies in her tummy when Ryoko had kissed her.

"Ryoko.... she always cheered me up when I was down.. and when I was alone, she'd always be there next to me..," Mina thought with a small smile on her face.

She looked up at Ryoko with loving eyes, and a cute smile, and said, "I love you," half giggling.

Ryoko blushed and replied, "I love you too," while smiling right back at Mina.

=== THE NEXT DAY ===

"Mina!!!" called out Ryoko.

Mina turned around, just to be engulfed in a bear hug. She blushed and hugged Ryoko back."

"G-good morning," she said shyly.

Ryoko smiled and pecked Mina's lips


"Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

Ryoko nodded.

"Today I'm off duty.. so I was wondering..", Ryoko said scratching her head.


"Do you.. wanna go out?",

Mina blushed and smiled happily. She hugged Ryoko tightly and said,

"Of course!"

=== LATER ===

Mina and Ryoko had met in a cafe and talked about different things. When done with their cake and hot cocoa, they decided to go out and take a walk in the park where they first met.

"Hey Mina..."


Ryoko was sitting down and gestured for Mina to come sit next to her. Mina obliged. Ryoko gently brought Mina's head on her shoulder, and kissed her forehead gently.

"Please tell me what's wrong..",

Mina gulped...

"Sweetie...Mina..please.. I want to help you.. but I can't if I don't know what's wrong..."

Mina rose from her seat, she stood in front of Ryoko. She grabbed both sides of her head, and played with Ryoko's hair as Ryoko wrapped her arms around Mina, and laid her head on her small chest.

Mina took a deep breath.

"Ryoko is a tall, sociable, and intelligent girl. You, unlike me, are very hard worker. Not only are you the second in honor roll, but you are also class rep, and student vice president."

Ryoko was a bit shocked at what Mina said, she wanted to interrupt, but Mina continued,

"I'm a bit of a chump when I compare you to me.."

Ryoko wanted to disagree, but Mina (again) interrupted.

"I'm not jealous of you of course.. but I wonder why such an incredible person would be with someone like me.."

Ryoko grabbed Mina's head and kissed her passionately. Mina was taken a bit by surprise, but nonetheless kissed back. As Ryoko separated the kiss, she started telling Mina that

"I should be the one asking you that.. you're always so calm, sweet, and caring... even though I'm always on duty you support me and stay by my side.. you never complain when I am gone for to long, and always tell me to be safe.. if any of us is incredible.. it's you, Mina".

Mina hugged Ryoko, tears streaming down her face. She and Ryoko had gone to her apartment and had watched some comedy before going to bed.

They both looked at each other and said at the same time, "You're so incredible." They both giggled and kissed each other.


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