mercoledì 20 aprile 2016

                              5 TIPS TO BE FIT AND 


   SLEEP WELL:                   Eat a Balanced                                                        Diet:

   Nowadays many people                           Eat 5 times a day. Your 
                                                                portions should be small.
don't sleep enough,this can                     You can still eat a small 
affect you physically and                        portion of chocolate one or 
emotionally. That is why doctors             two times a week. Your
recommend to sleep, at least                    diet should contain fruit,                                                                      vegetables, carbohydrates..
8 hours a day.
A good sleep makes you look better 
and happier. The brain works 
better when you have slept well.
You now know, if you want to get 
good grades and look wonderful
get enough sleep.


           Cut Down On

           Smoking and


         A big part of our                                                                         population starts smoking 
                                                      and drinking early. But this is the
                                                      worst thing you can do to your 
                                                      body. This is why you should
                                                      stop this habit.
     Today, people are becoming
sedentary. This is causing many 
health problems, such as obesity.
This is one of the reasons why, you 
people need to start doing sport. It 
is not necessary to spend a lot of time
doing sport, or doing difficult exercises.        Take Time To
If you want to be fit,you just need to            
take a walk for 30 minutes.                            Relax :
                                                        To have a healthy                                                                    mind, you should have fun.
                                                                                            Being happy makes you feel                                                                better and younger. Instead                                                                  when you are stressed you                                                                      gain weight. That is why
        you should hang out with             friends, or do things you            enjoy.


1 commento:

  1. This is highly innacurate and ineffective, i rate this 0/100 because it brings vergogna to our cocorricular activity
