giovedì 28 aprile 2016

Baby, I Love You

 "When I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were going to be this important to me." - Unknown

"I hated her... I hated how she suddenly just transferred into my school, how she was friendly with everyone, how she was nice to the girls who bullied her, how weak she seemed, how her smile is so bright, how her eyes are full of dreams... "

"Helllllo~ Earth to Alfred~", said a voice while a hand was waving in front of his face.
Alfred looked at his friend, Ryan, and asked what he wanted.
"Well, I asked you if you have anyone for Valentines," the friend said, smiling.
"You know I don't.."
Ryan's sweat dropped, " How are you so popular with the girls again?"
Alfred moved his shoulders and got up from his desk.
"Where are you going?"
"To the bench under the tree to read my book."
"Wait for me!"

Ryan and Alfred sat down. Ryan ate some cookies while Alfred read his book. Ryan stared at Alfred
"After knowing you all these years... I still can't read your expression..."
Alfred saw his friend sigh sadly.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"You sure?",
Alfred let it go... for now. He was about to return to his book until Marybeth, the girl he didn't 'like', came by.
"Um... sorry... but could I sit with you?" she asked nervously.
Alfred wanted to say no, but Ryan said yes before he could say anything.
Mary and Ryan talked about all sorts of weird things like manga, chocolate, cookies, and old Japanese movies. Alfred, although he was reading, couldn't help but feel his breathing getting quicker and feel dizzy. Was this because Mary was here.. because he hated her? Or ..

"Al? You ok? You don't look too well..", said Ryan.
Mary put her small cold hand over Alfred's forehead and gasped.
"You have a fever!",
Al wanted to argue, but Ryan picked him up and took him to the infirmary. Mary followed, holding the book he was reading in her small arms.
Everything turned black.

Alfred grumbled, twisted, and turned. He opened his eyes slowly, and he looked around and saw he was in a completely white room.
He tried to move his hands, but something heavy was holding them down. He looked over and was shocked to see Mary on one side, and his mother on the other.
Mary grumbled a bit and opened her eyes,  and Alfred looked directly at her as she did the same. Suddenly her eyes got wide and tears started falling out of them. He panicked and sat up looking at her. This movement caused his mom to wake up. She, just like Mary, had the same reaction. Both hugged him and cried on a shoulder. He was still a bit shocked, but either way rubbed their back.
"Shh, I'm fine now..",
Alfred concluded that he was in a hospital and that he has been out for quite a while.. maybe even days.

After two days in the hospital recovering, Alfred finally returns to school. Doctors told him that his breathing was very unstable and that the reason he passed out was because his brain wasn't receiving enough oxygen, and that he was way too sleep deprived.
Months go by and with them his feelings for Marybeth seem to change. Everyday she would ask him what he ate and what time he had gone to sleep. When he told her the little food he had she would bring two lunch boxes and give him one, and when he told her the little amount of sleep he had; she would take his book and tell him to sleep while resting his head on her lap.

A month passes and Alfred realizes he has fallen for his new best friend, Marybeth, even Ryan knew that his friend had fallen for her. But Alfred was terrified, his hands would shake and his head would begin racing whenever he was around her.

"What do I do...?",
"Tell her.",

Alfred jumped and saw his mother smiling at him.
"That scared of rejection?", she smirked.
Alfred blushed and nodded.
His mother sighed and told him: "You should tell her, or else you'll regret it later.",
Alfred stared at her.
"Your father would have said that.", she said with a gentile smile.
Alfred smiled as well.
"Then... I'll tell her...",
"On Valentines Day.. in a week.",
"Good luck.",
"Thanks.", he got up and hugged her.

In the past few days, Mary had been acting weird. she wouldn't talk, look, or wave at Alfred. She would just blush and run off. If she continued acting like this, Alfred would have a hard time telling her how he felt.
'Maybe.. she likes someone else and that person thought we were a thing..?",
Alfred shook his head, he told his mother he would... and he promised himself he would.
"If you don't.. you'll regret it later.. right dad", Alfred whispered to himself.

Finally Valentines day arrived.
"Stay calm...", Alfred told himself as he held the small bag with a card, teddy, and chocolates inside.

There was going to  be a party after the school was over, a small dance.
Lessons were over, now it was free time... or as kids call it, party time.
Everyone changed into comfortable clothing and met up in the school backyard where there was a small stage. Different groups played love and rock songs. Soon enough different students went up to the stage and asked for certain songs to be played or proposed a song to another person they had a crush on. Or were simply lovers.
Alfred on the other hand was a bit heart broken, he watched Mary dance with different guys.

"You ok Al?",
Suddenly, a girl came up to Al.
"Hey Al.", said Amy; his ex.

Ryan was about to tell her to go away until Al stopped him.
"Don't call me that. What do you want?",
"Aww, why so cold?",
"It's my personality, deal with it. Now, what do you want?",

Amy huffed and told him to follow her. He did, after telling Ryan not to worry.
As Alfred and Amy walked away, Mary watched them. She accidentally stepped on her partner's foot, she apologized and left him with another girl. She on the other hand, followed Al and Amy.

'Where are they?', Mary asked herself as she looked everywhere inside the school building.
"I love you.", she heard from the science room. She sneaks up to the door and looks through the keyhole.
"What? Don't believe me?",
"Of course not.",
"I'm glad you do- WHAT?!?",
Alfred looked at her with a bored look on his face.
" I said I don't believe you.",

Mary slid down the floor, she could feel the tears running down her face.

"I'm leaving now.",

Al opened the door, his heart sank at the sight of seeing Mary there on the floor.


Mary stood up quickly and ran towards the stair case, Alfred followed.
Soon they both entered a room with rose petals all over the floor and candles.
Alfred grabbed Mary and held her close, Mary tried pushing him away; but she was too weak.

"Let me..go.",
"Not in till you calm down.",

Mary calms down and Alfred tells her what his and Amy's relationship was. Mary nodded in understanding and apologized .
"Is there someone you love?", Mary asked.
Tears filled her eyes.
"I love you...",
Mary's tears roll down her face, she smiles brightly and hugs Al tightly.
"I love you too..",
They kiss each other gently and say at the same time: "Happy Valentines Day",

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