giovedì 28 aprile 2016

Corre mi Corazon por ti (My Heart runs for you)

Antonio sat at his desk tapping his pen on the desk. Deep in thought, he looked at his best friend, Clara and only her.
"My heart is about to burst," thought Antonio.
As the teacher spoke about American History, Clara felt a weird feeling go up her spine, like someone was watching her. At first she thought it was just her imagination, but now she was sure.

"Alright class, you're dismissed," said Mr. Lerence.
Everyone got up.  Clara waited in till the class was empty, then packed her stuff and started to leave, wanting to get away from the class so the teacher wouldn't try to chat with her again. For some reason, all the teachers adored her. Why they did, she had no idea.
As Clara almost reached the door, she was stopped by Antonio's voice calling her.
"Chica wait!~", said Antonio.
"Ah, sorry Toni", she said quickly.
"It's ok, but what was with the hurry?" he asked.
"Well, one: is that I didn't want the teacher to talk to me again today. Two: because I was freaked out by what happened during class." she said.
"Que? What happened during class? It seemed the usual to me." Antonio said confused.
"Well, I think, someone was staring at me during the whole lesson," she said.
"QUE?!" Antonio shouted, which caused some people to stare at the both of them.
"SHH! Don't yell!" she whispered.
Antonio didn't listen though. He just kept thinking about the bastard that dared to even look at her and make her upset. Mentally.
"That puto is going to pay."said Antonio in a low voice, but Clara still heard him. And she was shocked.
"A-Antonio! You can't judge someone you don't know like that!", she said. She understood Spanish a lot, and she just pretended to not know it because, well, she thought it didn't really matter. She also knew French and Italian, still working on her Japanese and German though.
"Si, I know. But still, he made you uncomfortable right..?", Antonio then said.
"Yes, but still, you shouldn't go call people 'puto'.", she said.
"Eh? Do you know what 'puto' means, Clara?", asked Antonio.
"...N-n-no, but, by the tone of your voice, it sounded like a bad word." she said fidgeting in place.
"I really suck at lying," she said beating herself mentally.
"I see,"  said Antonio, doubting her a little. But he just smiled and said,
"You're really smart Clara!"
'HE BELIEVED ME?!?!?!' she thought looking at him in shock.
"T-thanks... um, shall we have lunch now?" she asked.
"Sure!" answered Antonio happily.

"Today there's pasta and fruit on the menu," Clara thought, while reading the menu.
After 5 minutes reading, she was suddenly jumped on  from behind and heard a small 'Ve' as the person's head leaned on her shoulder.
"Bella! I'm so happy to see you!" said Michael.
"H-hey Mike, it's nice to see you too," she answered.
Soon Michael released her and asked her what pasta she was getting.
"I think, I'll get pasta alla Bolognese," she said, unconsciously letting her Italian flow out.
"Bella, I always love it when you speak Italian~", said Mike suddenly hugging her again.
"Ah! Mike! Let gooooo!~", she said.
That's right, Mike knew about her three spoken languages. and her two work in progress ones. Clara told him that if he said anything to anyone, she would kill him and his beloved pasta.
"No! Voglio abbraccarti un'altro po'! (No! I want to hug you a little more.)", he said.
"Perche'?! (Why?!)", she asked in his language.
"Perche' sei troppo carina!~ (Because you're too cute!~)", he answered.
Soon though Michael was ripped away from her, by Ludwig.
"Michael, what do you think you're doing to Clara?" asked Ludwig while glaring at Mike.
"I was hugging her~", said Mike whining.
"Hai, but you were also invading her personal space,"  said Kaouru, popping out of nowhere.
"Ve? But Clara doesn't mind. Do you Clara?" asked Mike with a worried expression.
"No... I-I'm used to it. It's ok. No worries," she said looking away.
"Alright, as long as your ok with it," said Ludwig.
While all this happened, Antonio watched everything from his hiding place. He was originally waiting for her at a table, since she still didn't know what to order yet. She was taking too long, so he got worried and came to look for her. When he found her, he saw Mike hugging her. At some point, she started talking Italian with Mike, which surprised him. But then, when he heard her say she didn't mind Mike hugging her... well, you could say that the Spaniard got very-very mad.
Without thinking, he got out of his hiding place and went towards her, Mike, Kaouru and Ludwig.
"Oh, Antoni-", Clara wasn't able to finish her sentence because Antonio grabbed her hand pretty hard and dragged her out of the lunch room.
"A-ANTINIO? W-What?", she shouted confused.
Antonio didn't say anything.

"A-Antonio! Let me go! You're hurting me!", Clara said hissing.
"No! No quiero dejalo ir! (No! I don't want to let go!)", said Antonio in Spanish.
"Que?! Que quieres decir usted no quiere dejalo ir?! Su lastimar mi mano! (What?! What do you mean you don't want to let go?! You're hurting my hand!)", She answered back in Spanish.
"EH?! Hablas Espanol!?!?!? ( EH?! You speak Spanish!?!?!?)", he asked surprised in Spanish.
"Mierda...(Shit...)" , she said in Spanish.
"Since when?" he asked.
"Since I was 10," she said.
"So... you really did know what 'puto' meant...", Antonio said blushing.
"Y-yeah... sorry for not telling you..."
"You also know Italian... right?", he asked.
"Y-yeah, you heard me talk with Mike, didn't you?"
"Yes... sorry for evedropping.", Antonio said.
"Do you also know another language?", he then asked.
"Yes, I also know French,"  she said.
"Can you tell me what Francis calls you in French?" asked Antonio hopefully.
"He calls me 'my dear'.", she said. Confused by the sudden question.
"And Mike in Italian?", he asked again.
" He calls me 'my dear', 'sister' and 'beautiful'," she answered, yet again, confused.
"Learning any new ones?"
"Japanese and German..."
"Clara, I-"
Antonio suddenly brought her into his strong tanned arms. Holding her against his chest, which allowed her to hear his heartbeat go fast. Like he'd been running for days.
"I'm sorry I hurt you... I was just jealous...", he said shamefully.

"... Jealous?... Of what?", she asked.
"Of Michael... of Francis... of everyone near you....", he answered in a whisper, but she still heard him.
"Why would you be jealous of them?", she asked. Clara already knew why, but she wanted to hear it from his lips.
"Because... I-I- Te amo! (I love you)", he said.
"Yo tambien te amo. (I love you too)", she said.
Antonio looked at Clara, then slowly leaned in. She closed her eyes, as she did so, she felt  his warm and big lips kiss her small ones. Slowly, Antonio moved his lips, and encouraged her to do so as well, and she did. Clara moved her hands up in his hair and pulled him closer, and he slid his arms that were around her shoulders, down to her waist, pulling her body closer to his.
Slowly and hesitantly, both parted  for air. Antonio leaned  his forehead against hers. Both looked  in each other's eyes and giggled.
"Now I know who was staring me down in class," she said.
"Who?" Antonio asked, ready to hit the someone.
"You, silly~", she said.
"Oh- wait! You knew!!", said Antonio.
"Nope, but now I do," she said giggling.
Antonio sighed, then leaned next to her ear and whispered,
"Mi corazon corre por ti, y solo ti. (My heart runs for you, and only you)"
"Tambien mi corazon por ti, y solo ti. (My heart too, For you, and only you)".

-- FIN --

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