mercoledì 27 aprile 2016

Art of Tea 

The custom of drinking tea started in China, which influenced other countries and especially Britain for 350 years , and still now it affects British people as one of the main breakfast drinks  .
            According to a legend , the Chinese Emperor Sheng Nung (2737 B.C.)  was consuming a cup of hot water when some of the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis fell in the cup , and gave the hot water a light , fresh taste . Along the history of China, Tea has always taken important part of the history and also affected the Japanese history by Japanese  Buddhist monks that travelled to China and brought tea to Japan .

In the 1600’s, after the British East India Company was established , after half century of exploring Asian goods , the company discovered the tea leaves which were brought back to London in 1658 September .The beverage was sold first at the coffee house in London , like coffee , but tea was still something curious for people to try. Catherine of Braganza( princess of Portugal married to Charles II ) was addicted to tea , and for her love for tea , it made tea a popular and fashion drink .

Tea,like coffee, contains caffeine. Unlike water , drinking tea would make you go more often to the toilet . Different kinds of tea contain different amounts of caffeine and taste . Most teas are best served hot which could make tea leaves release their best smell and taste for you to enjoy .Teas have positive effects on your body. For patients that have high blood pressure , drinking Matcha Tea could lower the pressure , and teas can help you in regular diets . 


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