mercoledì 1 giugno 2016

Hello this is the last blog of the year.

Manga's I Strongly Suggest You Read!!!

Hi, so you're either interested or you just wanted to see what this blog is about... either way! Thank you for visiting!!
First off, do you know what a manga is?
A manga is a Japanese comic book... it isn't like Captan America comic books for kids though... manga are more for teens and adults. There are two kinds,  Shojo and Shounen.
Shounen is a kango word that literally means 'few years' and generally refers to a typical boy going to elementary to high school.
Shojo on the other hand is aimed at a young females life, in fact Shojo means young woman. Usually this type of manga concentrates on romance. relationships, and deep emotions.
There are different themes as well:
Yuri: Girl x girl
Yaoi: Boy x boy

1st manga I suggest you read is Black Bird!

Black Bird Vol 1.jpg
Black Bird talks about the life of a high school girl who can see ghosts and demons since she was little. On her 16th birthday the demons attack her for she is a fruit who when eaten,  the person will earn eternal youth and beauty, and if made as bride  the clan will gain prosperity and power!

Her childhood friend saves her, but sadly she cannot seem to remember him. As she spends more time with him she finds out he was a demon as well... and not just any demon.. but a clan leader!

What will she do? Will she remember her affections for him and marry him? Will she object her fate and ask to be alone? I already know the answer... you could too... if you read it.

Black Bird is a romantic, comedy, drama, and supernatural shojo manga..

Yellow Fever
June  01, 2016

The origins and definitions

yellow.jpgYellow Fever is a viral hemorrhagic disease. It is called ‘yellow’ for the patients that are infected and the yellow color they become.  Nowadays Yellow Fever is mostly seen in South America and tropical areas of the African continent. In 1793, 10% of the Pennsylvanian and Philadelphian population were killed by the Yellow fever ; they gauged  the fever was brought by the refugees from Latin America.  In our modern world, yellow fever is mostly transmitted by mosquitos to people, mosquitos to monkeys then to humans , or it can be transmitted from people to people. Especially in urban areas we are not only contributing a higher risk for spreading the fever but we are also giving an environment for  other deadly diseases .

The most efficient way of preventing yellow fever is avoiding going to South America , tropical areas in Africa, zoos where you can get infected by imported monkeys, or it’s recommended to take efficient vaccines which afterwards you will be given an International Certificate of Vaccination. You should be careful that the Yellow fever vaccine takes effect after 30 days.


Early signs include fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, and jaundice. Symptoms often go away after about 3 - 4 days.
Mid signs : Fever will start to go away with other symptoms , or some people would get worse with the symptoms .
Late signs : Problems with organ occurs, bleeding disorders, coma and seizures may also happen.
If you feel being infected by the virus, quickly make a test where they will take some of your blood. People also become yellow because of the virus ( except some Asian people who are genetically yellow skinned ).

Treatment of the disease

Once you get involved in a Yellow fever infection , it’s hard to cure since in our modern world we still have not found an efficient way to treat Yellow fever .The doctor will make sure you will be in a highly separated room from others , especially mosquitos for not infecting other people .They will also make sure your blood pressure is normal , replace plasma with proteins for improving blood clotting , and providing dialysis for kidney failure.

mercoledì 25 maggio 2016

The Durian

Durians are fruits which are mostly from Indonesia and Malaysia. They are widely revered as the ‘King of the Fruits’ and they weigh between 1 to 4 kg. Durians  are the worst smelling fruit in the world but the taste is surprising. Like other fruits , the Durian contains high amounts of  vitamin C, simple sugar , prevents cancer, and contains essential high amounts of amino acids. Durians are not only loved by people living in tropical areas but are also one of the fruits that monkeys love most .

How to Survive the Finals

How to Survive the Finals

School is almost over! However, we have the exams just before school ends, in about 2 weeks. It's a stressful time of the year, but after this, we are completely free! Today, I will tell you a few things that will be probably helpful for the exams.

Study Tips
1. Wear comfortable clothes while studying.  This is going to help you feel peaceful.

2. Get away from all distractions such as your phone, tablet, etc. -anything that is going to make you unable to concentrate.

3. Organize all your books, notebooks, pens, and study in a tidy environment. 

4. Eat healthy snacks and drink water while studying instead of unhealthy food.

5. Take breaks.  Don't study for 5 hours non-stop.

6. Do not leave studying for the last night.  Start studying before.

Try not to stress
Everything is going to be harder when you stress out.  Studying is going to be tiresome, and writing the exam will be exhausting, so just relax. 


School is About to End! Yaaaaaay!!! ....BUT THE EXAMS ARE CLOSE TOO T^T

The time we all love and hate! School ending and finals!
The closer we get to summer,  the closer come the exams.  It's so stressful and exciting don't you think?
You probably think, "Nope, because I probably failed." Well... you are very wrong there sir/missy. Stop being so negative and
what's that word again?
Annoying... seriously, we all know that if you were to actually open your book and study you can do it. I don't mean to seem rude, or mean, I just think people need to have more confidence in themselves.... even if I sometimes lose hope ( / _ _ )/.

It's ok to have some hope, just not too much (^_~).

So ( ' ' )? What are you waiting for? 
Hit those books and pass like a boss!

Then, of course, enjoy your summer \(^ v ^)/

Yes, you did waste 10 minutes of your life reading this. (> v ^)
Dragon fruit

Dragon fruits have high number of antioxidants, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, proteins, fatty acids, and low calories which can help in diets. They have no carbohydrates so they can be more easily broken down and they can lower the chance of getting cancer. What’s uncommon about the dragon fruit is that the flower opens for only one night, and it must be pollinated at night or it won’t produce the fruit. For this reason, the tree is also called the ‘Queen of the night’ .

mercoledì 11 maggio 2016


The Spanish started to call this fruit coco meaning ‘monkey face’ . This fruit has benefited humans for thousands of years and almost ⅓ of the world's population has benefited by the coconut economically and as food . The coconut and its tree are considered by the Pacific population the "tree of life ," because it can almost cure all local illnesses. Coconut also contain rich fibers, vitamins, minerals, and a source of fresh juice for people that live in tropical zones.



Istanbul is an amazing city known all over the world. It is the most populous city in Turkey and the country's economic, cultural, and historical center. It is both a historical and a modern city. It lies on 2 continents- Europe and Asia. You can travel between the two continents in a short matter of time- about 30 minutes. It has a population of nearly 15 million people and has an area of 5.343 square kilometers.

There  are many things to do in this metropolitan city. It depends on your interest. If you are the type of person who likes historical sites,  there are many palaces, towers, and mosques dating back to the Ottoman Empire, churches dating back to the Byzantine Empire, and many other beautiful places. If you are the type of person who likes museums, there are many museums, all about different topics. There are also many parks for people who would like a peaceful environment. There are many squares with historical buildings such as a mosque or a church.  If you want to see animals and sea life, there are 2 large aquariums, one located on the Asian side and one located on the European side. There is a also a really big zoo located near the city of Istanbul, in Darıca. Istanbul is a megacity; therefore there are many shopping centers, bazaars and small shops. Did you know that there are 117 shopping centers in Istanbul alone? This is a wonderful fact for a shopping-lover to know. The Grand Bazaar (Kapalı Çarşı) is not only a place to shop, but a place seeped in history. You can smell history- and spices as you enter the beautiful atmosphere. If you like tasting new- and delicious tastes, Istanbul has many many restaurants where you can taste Turkish food. I would suggest you try meals such as kebap, döner, iskender, etc. You MUST eat a Turkish breakfast, which includes all kinds of cheese, olives, eggs, kinds of meat, Turkish tea, salad, honey, jams, butter, etc. 
Long story short, Istanbul is a must-see. I am very sure you will enjoy every second of this marvelous city. 

mercoledì 4 maggio 2016


Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities. A website nominally associated with the group describes it as "an Internet gathering" with "a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives". The group became known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on government, religious, and corporate websites.

To see the official video, go on YouTube and type: Anonymous-Paris #OpParis (the first one at the top)

Phi Phi Island 

        The most beautiful island in Thailand situated on the west strait of Malacca  . click here for more

giovedì 28 aprile 2016

Corre mi Corazon por ti (My Heart runs for you)

Antonio sat at his desk tapping his pen on the desk. Deep in thought, he looked at his best friend, Clara and only her.
"My heart is about to burst," thought Antonio.
As the teacher spoke about American History, Clara felt a weird feeling go up her spine, like someone was watching her. At first she thought it was just her imagination, but now she was sure.

"Alright class, you're dismissed," said Mr. Lerence.
Everyone got up.  Clara waited in till the class was empty, then packed her stuff and started to leave, wanting to get away from the class so the teacher wouldn't try to chat with her again. For some reason, all the teachers adored her. Why they did, she had no idea.
As Clara almost reached the door, she was stopped by Antonio's voice calling her.
"Chica wait!~", said Antonio.
"Ah, sorry Toni", she said quickly.
"It's ok, but what was with the hurry?" he asked.
"Well, one: is that I didn't want the teacher to talk to me again today. Two: because I was freaked out by what happened during class." she said.
"Que? What happened during class? It seemed the usual to me." Antonio said confused.
"Well, I think, someone was staring at me during the whole lesson," she said.
"QUE?!" Antonio shouted, which caused some people to stare at the both of them.
"SHH! Don't yell!" she whispered.
Antonio didn't listen though. He just kept thinking about the bastard that dared to even look at her and make her upset. Mentally.
"That puto is going to pay."said Antonio in a low voice, but Clara still heard him. And she was shocked.
"A-Antonio! You can't judge someone you don't know like that!", she said. She understood Spanish a lot, and she just pretended to not know it because, well, she thought it didn't really matter. She also knew French and Italian, still working on her Japanese and German though.
"Si, I know. But still, he made you uncomfortable right..?", Antonio then said.
"Yes, but still, you shouldn't go call people 'puto'.", she said.
"Eh? Do you know what 'puto' means, Clara?", asked Antonio.
"...N-n-no, but, by the tone of your voice, it sounded like a bad word." she said fidgeting in place.
"I really suck at lying," she said beating herself mentally.
"I see,"  said Antonio, doubting her a little. But he just smiled and said,
"You're really smart Clara!"
'HE BELIEVED ME?!?!?!' she thought looking at him in shock.
"T-thanks... um, shall we have lunch now?" she asked.
"Sure!" answered Antonio happily.

"Today there's pasta and fruit on the menu," Clara thought, while reading the menu.
After 5 minutes reading, she was suddenly jumped on  from behind and heard a small 'Ve' as the person's head leaned on her shoulder.
"Bella! I'm so happy to see you!" said Michael.
"H-hey Mike, it's nice to see you too," she answered.
Soon Michael released her and asked her what pasta she was getting.
"I think, I'll get pasta alla Bolognese," she said, unconsciously letting her Italian flow out.
"Bella, I always love it when you speak Italian~", said Mike suddenly hugging her again.
"Ah! Mike! Let gooooo!~", she said.
That's right, Mike knew about her three spoken languages. and her two work in progress ones. Clara told him that if he said anything to anyone, she would kill him and his beloved pasta.
"No! Voglio abbraccarti un'altro po'! (No! I want to hug you a little more.)", he said.
"Perche'?! (Why?!)", she asked in his language.
"Perche' sei troppo carina!~ (Because you're too cute!~)", he answered.
Soon though Michael was ripped away from her, by Ludwig.
"Michael, what do you think you're doing to Clara?" asked Ludwig while glaring at Mike.
"I was hugging her~", said Mike whining.
"Hai, but you were also invading her personal space,"  said Kaouru, popping out of nowhere.
"Ve? But Clara doesn't mind. Do you Clara?" asked Mike with a worried expression.
"No... I-I'm used to it. It's ok. No worries," she said looking away.
"Alright, as long as your ok with it," said Ludwig.
While all this happened, Antonio watched everything from his hiding place. He was originally waiting for her at a table, since she still didn't know what to order yet. She was taking too long, so he got worried and came to look for her. When he found her, he saw Mike hugging her. At some point, she started talking Italian with Mike, which surprised him. But then, when he heard her say she didn't mind Mike hugging her... well, you could say that the Spaniard got very-very mad.
Without thinking, he got out of his hiding place and went towards her, Mike, Kaouru and Ludwig.
"Oh, Antoni-", Clara wasn't able to finish her sentence because Antonio grabbed her hand pretty hard and dragged her out of the lunch room.
"A-ANTINIO? W-What?", she shouted confused.
Antonio didn't say anything.

"A-Antonio! Let me go! You're hurting me!", Clara said hissing.
"No! No quiero dejalo ir! (No! I don't want to let go!)", said Antonio in Spanish.
"Que?! Que quieres decir usted no quiere dejalo ir?! Su lastimar mi mano! (What?! What do you mean you don't want to let go?! You're hurting my hand!)", She answered back in Spanish.
"EH?! Hablas Espanol!?!?!? ( EH?! You speak Spanish!?!?!?)", he asked surprised in Spanish.
"Mierda...(Shit...)" , she said in Spanish.
"Since when?" he asked.
"Since I was 10," she said.
"So... you really did know what 'puto' meant...", Antonio said blushing.
"Y-yeah... sorry for not telling you..."
"You also know Italian... right?", he asked.
"Y-yeah, you heard me talk with Mike, didn't you?"
"Yes... sorry for evedropping.", Antonio said.
"Do you also know another language?", he then asked.
"Yes, I also know French,"  she said.
"Can you tell me what Francis calls you in French?" asked Antonio hopefully.
"He calls me 'my dear'.", she said. Confused by the sudden question.
"And Mike in Italian?", he asked again.
" He calls me 'my dear', 'sister' and 'beautiful'," she answered, yet again, confused.
"Learning any new ones?"
"Japanese and German..."
"Clara, I-"
Antonio suddenly brought her into his strong tanned arms. Holding her against his chest, which allowed her to hear his heartbeat go fast. Like he'd been running for days.
"I'm sorry I hurt you... I was just jealous...", he said shamefully.

"... Jealous?... Of what?", she asked.
"Of Michael... of Francis... of everyone near you....", he answered in a whisper, but she still heard him.
"Why would you be jealous of them?", she asked. Clara already knew why, but she wanted to hear it from his lips.
"Because... I-I- Te amo! (I love you)", he said.
"Yo tambien te amo. (I love you too)", she said.
Antonio looked at Clara, then slowly leaned in. She closed her eyes, as she did so, she felt  his warm and big lips kiss her small ones. Slowly, Antonio moved his lips, and encouraged her to do so as well, and she did. Clara moved her hands up in his hair and pulled him closer, and he slid his arms that were around her shoulders, down to her waist, pulling her body closer to his.
Slowly and hesitantly, both parted  for air. Antonio leaned  his forehead against hers. Both looked  in each other's eyes and giggled.
"Now I know who was staring me down in class," she said.
"Who?" Antonio asked, ready to hit the someone.
"You, silly~", she said.
"Oh- wait! You knew!!", said Antonio.
"Nope, but now I do," she said giggling.
Antonio sighed, then leaned next to her ear and whispered,
"Mi corazon corre por ti, y solo ti. (My heart runs for you, and only you)"
"Tambien mi corazon por ti, y solo ti. (My heart too, For you, and only you)".

-- FIN --


The moon shined brightly as the snow fell down softly. A girl stared at the moon, her long caramel hair dancing into the cool wind, as snow flakes fell into her strands.

'I was happy to meet you..',

"Hey wait up!", a boy called.

"Hm?", the small child with blond hair turned around.

The boy panted, looked up at her, and smiled brightly. The small child blushed and looked away.

"I'm Tyler. You?"

"I'm... Rosaline..," the child said looking down.

Tyler smiled shyly and held out his hand.

"Cool! Let's be friends."

The girl looked at him in shock.  She blinked to ensure he wasn't just an illusion. Seeing he wasn't, she grabbed his hand gently.

"From now on you're my partner!" he said happily.

The girl took a deep breath and watched how no white cloud exited her mouth as she did so.

'I won't be able to forgive myself for what had happened'


 Middle school

"Stop bullying her!"Tyler demanded and stood up in front of Rosaline with his fist curled up tightly.

The bullies laughed, "Or else what?"

"I'll kick your arses!" Tyler said, even more upset.

"Aww, little boy think he so tough," one of the boys said.

"We'll see about that," said the leader, grinning.

One of the boys held Tyler from behind while the other two were looking for something.

"Rose! Run! Now!"



The small child ran to get the teacher.  She stopped though at the sound of Tyler screaming. She went back and saw what they were doing to him. She froze as tears fell down her eyes.

They were using a lighter to burn certain parts of his skin: his knee, stomach, back, and shoulder.

He ended up at the hospital.  His parents told the girl's mother it was her fault. The mother took her home, beat her, half drowned her. Then it was the father's turn to whip her and slap her.

The girl took a deep breath. That day, she had lost hope and wanted to vanish.

'Then came my first love...'


End of Middle school

"I like you, Ty..", said Erica as she played with her fingers.

Tyler brought her into his arms and told her, "I like you too, Erica."

"What about Rose?"

"She's just a dear friend.. almost like a sister."

Rose backed away from the door, crying.

"...My first love... gone..", the sixteen year old girl thought as she ran.


"That day... I lost my heart", she thought sadly.

"I only had our friendship as a rope to hang onto.. and hoped to never lose it, and I didn't."

"Hey there Rosie~", said Allan, leaning onto her locker.

"Hi Allan. I told you before to not call me that.."

"You know you got a body that makes me want to-"

"Don't,"she said, covering his mouth.

He grabbed her hand and brought her onto  him.  He tried to force a kiss onto her.

"Stop it! Let me go!"

"Feisty, I like~", he said while getting on top of her and pinning her down.

Rose started crying while everyone else laughed, until a ball hit Allan on the side of the head.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Tyler shouted.

All the guys backed off as Tyler picked her up bridal style and kicked Allan in the legs, since he was still on the floor.

"Why did you.."

"You're like a little sister to me.. of course I would help you."

Rose smiled and buried her head in his neck.

"Thank you"

"Then... I changed and made you worried."

Rose ran as fast as she could, but she wasn't fast enough. The creature crawled  on top of her and bit her neck. Hard.

Tyler later found her corpse.  According to the hospital she was dead for the past 3 hours.

Rosaline woke up in an open coffin in her room.  She died.. but was still breathing.. but.. something changed..

"I need to leave.."

The next day Tyler entered her room and didn't see her. He put up posters of her hoping to find her. An eighteen year old girl with long blond hair and forest green eyes. No one had seen her.

Rose watched him as he desperately asked people if they had seen her.

"I'm sorry.. Tyler."


The girl stood up, and let the wind caress her body. She was no longer human... she didn't know herself what she was now.

"I have red eyes, but I don't crave for blood,"she said touching her eye.

"I have large claws, but I don't crave for flesh," she said while looking at her claws.

"And my organs are dead, but I don't crave for humans," she said with her claw on her heart.

What am I....?

St. Patrick's Day

Today was March 17th, Reina's favorite day, St.Patrick's Day.
She wore a large white t-shirt with a four leaf clover on it, dark green pants and scarf, black Converses, and a black zip up hoodie.
She twirled around in her outfit, she then looked in the mirror, content with her look she headed to school.

"Pinch!" Reina said, giggling while pinching her friend's, Scarlet, sides.
Scarlet jumped and squeaked in surprise.  She turned around and glared at Reina.
"Seriously Reina, quit being such a child."
"You always do weird nonsense."
"You ok?"
"It's ok. Want to talk about it?"
Scarlet told Reina how she failed math, science, and English.
Scarlet was so angry with herself, since she had studied everything and went over the chapters one too many times.. ..yet too many times, yet still nothing,  so now she had to go to summer school to pass.
"Well..", Reina took off her dark green scarf and put it onto Scarlet's neck.
"I know just the medicine to help that frown turn upside down. "

Pinch pinch pinch
That's what they had done all day, pinching fellow students and teachers. Scarlet had finally gotten better and Reina was just happy to enjoy this day with a dear friend.

"Thanks for today, Reina.", she said giving back the scarf.
"Don't mention it, just do me one favour. "
"Never stop smiling."

Reina pinched Scarlet's cheek and said, "Happy St. Patrick's Day."

Baby Kitty

The girl patted her 10 month year old kitty.
"I'll be back. Be good."
"Ok, be safe," meowed the cat.
The girl left as the kitty just stared at the door closing.

"So hungry...," thought the kitty as she was sprawled on the couch.
"Mama, where are you...?"
The kitty yawned. She was very hungry and worried for her owner.

A click from the front door was heard.
The kitty perked her ears up and jumped to her feet.
"Mama!" she meowed.
Although to the girl it sounded like a 'meow,' the girl smiled, picked up the kitty, and started giving her a peck on the nose.
"I missed you...," meowed the kitty as she rubbed her face against her owner's soft cheek.
The girl giggled and put the kitty down.
"You must be hungry."
"Yup!" the kitty meowed while stretching.

"Luna! Time for bed."
The girl called. Minutes later the kitty entered the room.
The girl patted the empty space next to her. The kitty headed towards that direction.
"Good night, Luna."
"Good night, mama."


Trying Something Different

My friend and I  decided to go to a restaurant where they make food with insects.
Originally it was my friend's idea, since she ate here once and said I should try it out before assuming the worst, so I did.

"Welcome. What would you like to eat?"

" I'll have a warm spaghetti with cricket legs."

I cringed at the thought.

"You ma'm?"

I looked at the menu. I looked at the desserts.

"I'll just have the dessert.  Um, chocolate cubes with golden.. crickets on top..."


My friend thanked me for trying out the food she eats everyday.

The dishes arrived.

I stared at mine with a look of disgust.

"Try it." my friend insisted.


I grabbed the chocolate piece, put it near my mouth, swallowed hard, closed my eyes, and put the piece in my mouth.

I passed out.

Who Is It?

The small four year old child was simply playing with his blocks. It was dark out,  so the only light came from the lamp and window.

The child , from giggling and yelling joyfully, fell silent at the sound of footsteps. The child stood up and walked toward the open door.  Suddenly a black form came out of nowhere. The child afraid, ran away to its play crib.
The shadow loomed over the child, turned around and he saw
his mother.

He screamed for joy as the mother picked him up with a bright smile.

"Time for bed."

The End


Me and my friend , Anna, decided to go out to eat tonight. Anna wanted McDonald, while I insisted we should go to Burger King. Suddenly, my car broke down, me and Anna Sighed and we stepped out off the car to see what happened.

"The engine is dead...", I say along with a silent curse.

"I figured. I already called S.O.S",

"Thanks Anna.",

Me and Anna just stayed in the car, I was about to fall sleep in till Anna suddenly screamed.

"What?!?!", I said jumping up in my seat.

"O-out there...",

I stare at her, then at the direction she was looking at.

"Anna... you ok?",

"Yeah... Sorry...",

"How about we go look for a restaurant?",


We exit the car, and walked. What seemed like two hours, we finally arrived at a bar and
decided to eat there.

"Man, that was a long walk.",


"It was a lot.",

"Alright Anna, whatever you say.",

A little too late we realize that was no one in the bar.

"Hey, we should search for another place t eat..",

"Why? I'm so tired,".

"Anna.. we might have entered an abandoned bar...",

We got up and left. During our walk, I felt the presence of someone following us, making weird growl noises.

"You hear that too?",

I nodded my head.

"They've been following us since we left the abandoned bar..",

Me and Anna decided to turn around and see who it was. We froze and tried our best not to move. Following us was a wolf,  but the wolf looked strange. Half of its fur was gone and it had skin hanging off of its body.

We ran, it was probably the most stupid thing we could have done.

"What the heck was that?!?", Anna asked crying.

"Some kind of zombified animal..",

"Zombies exist?!?",

"Looks like it.",

While running, Anna tripped and made me trip as well since we were holding hands. We hear the the creature behind us, we closed our eyes and held each other close.
I decided to take a peek, a man with no shirt, with pealed off skin stood there... the zombified wolf.. gone.. suddenly, everything was black.

Everything stayed black.
The End

Baby, I Love You

 "When I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were going to be this important to me." - Unknown

"I hated her... I hated how she suddenly just transferred into my school, how she was friendly with everyone, how she was nice to the girls who bullied her, how weak she seemed, how her smile is so bright, how her eyes are full of dreams... "

"Helllllo~ Earth to Alfred~", said a voice while a hand was waving in front of his face.
Alfred looked at his friend, Ryan, and asked what he wanted.
"Well, I asked you if you have anyone for Valentines," the friend said, smiling.
"You know I don't.."
Ryan's sweat dropped, " How are you so popular with the girls again?"
Alfred moved his shoulders and got up from his desk.
"Where are you going?"
"To the bench under the tree to read my book."
"Wait for me!"

Ryan and Alfred sat down. Ryan ate some cookies while Alfred read his book. Ryan stared at Alfred
"After knowing you all these years... I still can't read your expression..."
Alfred saw his friend sigh sadly.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"You sure?",
Alfred let it go... for now. He was about to return to his book until Marybeth, the girl he didn't 'like', came by.
"Um... sorry... but could I sit with you?" she asked nervously.
Alfred wanted to say no, but Ryan said yes before he could say anything.
Mary and Ryan talked about all sorts of weird things like manga, chocolate, cookies, and old Japanese movies. Alfred, although he was reading, couldn't help but feel his breathing getting quicker and feel dizzy. Was this because Mary was here.. because he hated her? Or ..

"Al? You ok? You don't look too well..", said Ryan.
Mary put her small cold hand over Alfred's forehead and gasped.
"You have a fever!",
Al wanted to argue, but Ryan picked him up and took him to the infirmary. Mary followed, holding the book he was reading in her small arms.
Everything turned black.

Alfred grumbled, twisted, and turned. He opened his eyes slowly, and he looked around and saw he was in a completely white room.
He tried to move his hands, but something heavy was holding them down. He looked over and was shocked to see Mary on one side, and his mother on the other.
Mary grumbled a bit and opened her eyes,  and Alfred looked directly at her as she did the same. Suddenly her eyes got wide and tears started falling out of them. He panicked and sat up looking at her. This movement caused his mom to wake up. She, just like Mary, had the same reaction. Both hugged him and cried on a shoulder. He was still a bit shocked, but either way rubbed their back.
"Shh, I'm fine now..",
Alfred concluded that he was in a hospital and that he has been out for quite a while.. maybe even days.

After two days in the hospital recovering, Alfred finally returns to school. Doctors told him that his breathing was very unstable and that the reason he passed out was because his brain wasn't receiving enough oxygen, and that he was way too sleep deprived.
Months go by and with them his feelings for Marybeth seem to change. Everyday she would ask him what he ate and what time he had gone to sleep. When he told her the little food he had she would bring two lunch boxes and give him one, and when he told her the little amount of sleep he had; she would take his book and tell him to sleep while resting his head on her lap.

A month passes and Alfred realizes he has fallen for his new best friend, Marybeth, even Ryan knew that his friend had fallen for her. But Alfred was terrified, his hands would shake and his head would begin racing whenever he was around her.

"What do I do...?",
"Tell her.",

Alfred jumped and saw his mother smiling at him.
"That scared of rejection?", she smirked.
Alfred blushed and nodded.
His mother sighed and told him: "You should tell her, or else you'll regret it later.",
Alfred stared at her.
"Your father would have said that.", she said with a gentile smile.
Alfred smiled as well.
"Then... I'll tell her...",
"On Valentines Day.. in a week.",
"Good luck.",
"Thanks.", he got up and hugged her.

In the past few days, Mary had been acting weird. she wouldn't talk, look, or wave at Alfred. She would just blush and run off. If she continued acting like this, Alfred would have a hard time telling her how he felt.
'Maybe.. she likes someone else and that person thought we were a thing..?",
Alfred shook his head, he told his mother he would... and he promised himself he would.
"If you don't.. you'll regret it later.. right dad", Alfred whispered to himself.

Finally Valentines day arrived.
"Stay calm...", Alfred told himself as he held the small bag with a card, teddy, and chocolates inside.

There was going to  be a party after the school was over, a small dance.
Lessons were over, now it was free time... or as kids call it, party time.
Everyone changed into comfortable clothing and met up in the school backyard where there was a small stage. Different groups played love and rock songs. Soon enough different students went up to the stage and asked for certain songs to be played or proposed a song to another person they had a crush on. Or were simply lovers.
Alfred on the other hand was a bit heart broken, he watched Mary dance with different guys.

"You ok Al?",
Suddenly, a girl came up to Al.
"Hey Al.", said Amy; his ex.

Ryan was about to tell her to go away until Al stopped him.
"Don't call me that. What do you want?",
"Aww, why so cold?",
"It's my personality, deal with it. Now, what do you want?",

Amy huffed and told him to follow her. He did, after telling Ryan not to worry.
As Alfred and Amy walked away, Mary watched them. She accidentally stepped on her partner's foot, she apologized and left him with another girl. She on the other hand, followed Al and Amy.

'Where are they?', Mary asked herself as she looked everywhere inside the school building.
"I love you.", she heard from the science room. She sneaks up to the door and looks through the keyhole.
"What? Don't believe me?",
"Of course not.",
"I'm glad you do- WHAT?!?",
Alfred looked at her with a bored look on his face.
" I said I don't believe you.",

Mary slid down the floor, she could feel the tears running down her face.

"I'm leaving now.",

Al opened the door, his heart sank at the sight of seeing Mary there on the floor.


Mary stood up quickly and ran towards the stair case, Alfred followed.
Soon they both entered a room with rose petals all over the floor and candles.
Alfred grabbed Mary and held her close, Mary tried pushing him away; but she was too weak.

"Let me..go.",
"Not in till you calm down.",

Mary calms down and Alfred tells her what his and Amy's relationship was. Mary nodded in understanding and apologized .
"Is there someone you love?", Mary asked.
Tears filled her eyes.
"I love you...",
Mary's tears roll down her face, she smiles brightly and hugs Al tightly.
"I love you too..",
They kiss each other gently and say at the same time: "Happy Valentines Day",

mercoledì 27 aprile 2016

Family Christmas

"Wake up!",

The two adults grumbled and opened their eyes to see their beloved twin children. Kazuto smirked and Kagura smiled softly.

"Well, Tigerlily .. we should see what the kids got this year.", said the male adult.

Lily smiled at him and pat both of the twins head "Yes, we should",

The twins went straight for the tree and started reading the names on the pakages, the two adults sat on the couch watching them. The twins shouted in pure joy of what they had gotten, the parents taking as many pictures and videos they could so they can remember this year.

Suddenly, the twins looked sad.
Both parents took notice.

"What's wrong?", asked Lily.

"Did you want more presents?", asked Ivan.

Both twins shook their head no.

"It's not that...", said Kazuto..

"It's just that..", said Kagura..

"We think mama and papa deserve presents too!", they both said at the same time.

Lily and Ivan we're a bit shocked, but smiled at them.

"It's alright.",

"Seeing you two reminds me of when me and mama were little",

"So don't worry your pretty little heads",

Lily kissed her children's head, while Ivan patted their heads.

The twins looked at each other and nodded. "Merry Christmas!", both said at the same time while giving their parents a big card.

"This is a present from us-",

"To thank you for being-",

"Amazing parents!",

Lily and Ivan smiled and hugged both their children close.

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!".

So Incredible

Mina watched her lover, Ryoko, explaining the math equation to the class. Mina and Ryoko have been together a year and one month now, and their relationship was strong and deep.

Mina was a small, timid, and clumsy girl. Ryoko was the tall, sociable, and intelligent one. Ryoko, unlike Mina, was a very hard worker. Not only was she the second in honor roll, but she was also class rep, and student vice president! The reason she was both class rep, and student vice president was because the teachers really liked her, since not only did she have high grades, but she helped around the school a lot and didn't miss a single day nor lesson.

"I'm a bit of a chump when I compare her to me..," Mina thought while sighing.

Class ended and it was lunch time. As Ryoko talked with the teacher, Mina got up and started heading towards the door. Before she walked out the door, Ryoko grabbed her arm gently and pulled her into a hug. One hand was on Mina's back while the other hand was in her hair.

"Is everything ok, sweetie?", Ryoko asked. Her purple orbs were full of worry and curiosity for her lover.

Mina blushed madly since she hadn't noticed the teacher had left, and they were alone.

"Y-yes, everything is f-fine..", Mina said stuttering. She averted her gaze from her lover's, looking out the window while biting her lower lip.

Ryoko captured Mina's chin, and made her look at her in the eyes. Mina's blue orbs stared into Ryoko's purple ones. Ryoko kissed Mina's forehead and asked again:

"Is everything ok, sweetie?", Ryoko asked with a deep voice, staring at Mina lovingly.

Mina's blush worsened. Why was she hesitating to tell her lover what was on her mind? Why didn't she want to tell Ryoko that she was so amazing?..

"I-I miss you...", Mina told her. Ok, maybe it wasn't the complete truth... but it was somewhat part of it.

Ryoko smiled, held Mina close to her, and gave her a loving kiss on her lips, a kiss which Mina returned.

"I miss you too..", Ryoko said as they parted from the kiss.

Mina hugged Ryoko, and she could feel butterflies in her tummy when Ryoko had kissed her.

"Ryoko.... she always cheered me up when I was down.. and when I was alone, she'd always be there next to me..," Mina thought with a small smile on her face.

She looked up at Ryoko with loving eyes, and a cute smile, and said, "I love you," half giggling.

Ryoko blushed and replied, "I love you too," while smiling right back at Mina.

=== THE NEXT DAY ===

"Mina!!!" called out Ryoko.

Mina turned around, just to be engulfed in a bear hug. She blushed and hugged Ryoko back."

"G-good morning," she said shyly.

Ryoko smiled and pecked Mina's lips


"Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

Ryoko nodded.

"Today I'm off duty.. so I was wondering..", Ryoko said scratching her head.


"Do you.. wanna go out?",

Mina blushed and smiled happily. She hugged Ryoko tightly and said,

"Of course!"

=== LATER ===

Mina and Ryoko had met in a cafe and talked about different things. When done with their cake and hot cocoa, they decided to go out and take a walk in the park where they first met.

"Hey Mina..."


Ryoko was sitting down and gestured for Mina to come sit next to her. Mina obliged. Ryoko gently brought Mina's head on her shoulder, and kissed her forehead gently.

"Please tell me what's wrong..",

Mina gulped...

"Sweetie...Mina..please.. I want to help you.. but I can't if I don't know what's wrong..."

Mina rose from her seat, she stood in front of Ryoko. She grabbed both sides of her head, and played with Ryoko's hair as Ryoko wrapped her arms around Mina, and laid her head on her small chest.

Mina took a deep breath.

"Ryoko is a tall, sociable, and intelligent girl. You, unlike me, are very hard worker. Not only are you the second in honor roll, but you are also class rep, and student vice president."

Ryoko was a bit shocked at what Mina said, she wanted to interrupt, but Mina continued,

"I'm a bit of a chump when I compare you to me.."

Ryoko wanted to disagree, but Mina (again) interrupted.

"I'm not jealous of you of course.. but I wonder why such an incredible person would be with someone like me.."

Ryoko grabbed Mina's head and kissed her passionately. Mina was taken a bit by surprise, but nonetheless kissed back. As Ryoko separated the kiss, she started telling Mina that

"I should be the one asking you that.. you're always so calm, sweet, and caring... even though I'm always on duty you support me and stay by my side.. you never complain when I am gone for to long, and always tell me to be safe.. if any of us is incredible.. it's you, Mina".

Mina hugged Ryoko, tears streaming down her face. She and Ryoko had gone to her apartment and had watched some comedy before going to bed.

They both looked at each other and said at the same time, "You're so incredible." They both giggled and kissed each other.


== I'm moving on, I've got to be strong ==

Two people stood next to the shore of a beach, waves crashing creating a melody of their own, the sun glimmering in different shades of orange, red, and yellow.

"Lisa, I need to tell you something,"  said Steve with a steady, yet shaky voice.

"What is it?" Lisa asked with curiosity.

The man, Steve, took her small hands in his big ones. Now standing face to face, Steve looked into Lisa's eyes.

"You know I love you more than anything, and that I would do anything for you,"  said Steve.

"Yes, and I to you," said Lisa.

"That's the thing... I feel that you.. that you don't love me as much I love you," said Steve, with a sad look in his eyes.

Lisa looked at Steve, shocked. Sure sometimes she didn't always think about him but that didn't mean she didn't care.

"So... you want to...", Lisa said with a shaky voice.

"Yes...", answered Steve.

"Ok,"  Lisa said finally with a sudden firm voice.

Steve looked at her shocked and hurt.  He thought that Lisa's sudden change of voice and the firm look in her eyes was a sign that she really didn't care about him.

"But," she said suddenly, "That doesn't mean I don't love- or should I say didn't love you."

With that her final words while smiling were,

"Goodbye Steve, hope you find happiness."

And she walked away, tears streaming down her face.

"I have to be strong, and move on," Lisa told herself.

3 years later

"Hello, welcome to Fratelli D'Italia Restaurant! What would you like to drink?" said Lisa.

"I'll have some water," said the beautiful woman.

"I'll have some coke please!" said the energetic child.

"Of course! I'll be back in a minute!" said Lisa smiling.

Lisa brought the drinks to the woman and the child, and then she took various different plates to different tables, cleaned tables, then went back to the woman and child for their orders. They had asked her that they wouldn't be ordering within an hour because they were waiting for someone.

Lisa got to the table and moved her big wordpad from her face to look at the guests as they ordered.

"Hello again.  I hope you found something you like in the menu!" said Lisa.

"Yep! I'd like some pasta with tomato sauce!" said the child.

"Ok! What about you Ma'm, Sir.?" said Lisa.

Lisa looked towards the two adults.  She was shocked to see Steve again after so long, but she didn't show her feelings. She just kept on smiling brightly.

"Mmm, I think, I'll have pasta as well, but with ham and panna," the woman said.

"Ok, you Sir?" asked Lisa.

The man, Steve, didn't answer. He just stared at her, with an unreadable expression.

"Honey?", the woman next to him waved her hand in front of him.

"Huh?", he finally snapped out of his trance and turned towards his wife.

"What would you like to eat?" his wife asked.

"Oh... I'll have the same as you," said Steve.

"Alright, let me repeat your order then. So, one pasta with tomato sauce, and two pasta's with panna and ham. Is that all or would you like dessert as well?" said Lisa.

"Maybe later," said Steve's wife.

"Very well."

With that Lisa gave the orders to the chef, and again brought plates to the tables, cleaned tables and so on. Then she brought Steve's family their food.

"Hope you enjoy!" said Lisa.

Later the restaurant was empty, and everyone left but Lisa. Today was her turn to wash all the dishes, pans, and pots. She sighed as she got to work. At least she had a day off tomorrow.

After 2 to 3 hours or so, Lisa finished cleaning the dishes and the kitchen.

Soon, she changed to her normal clothes and exited the restaurant after locking the doors.

Lisa didn't have a car, so she had to walk home. She didn't really mind though because her home was just 3 blocks from the restaurant. It was dark, but that didn't stop her. But what did stop her was a car's horn.

The car stopped next to her, as the window of the car went down, and it revealed Steve.

"Come in.  It's dangerous walking at this time."

"Thank you." said Lisa smiling.

She hopped into Steve's car. The ride to her house was very silent, but the silence was soon broken by Steve's voice.

"So, now you work for the Italy Brothers huh,"  said Steve.

"Yes, one of the brothers is my fiance actually," said Lisa.

"I see," he said.

"And you have a family I noticed. I'm glad." said Lisa.

"What do you mean?" he asked as he stopped the car in front of her house.

She got out of the car, bent down, and said smiling sincerely,

"I'm glad we were both able to be strong enough to move on."