mercoledì 1 giugno 2016

Hello this is the last blog of the year.

Manga's I Strongly Suggest You Read!!!

Hi, so you're either interested or you just wanted to see what this blog is about... either way! Thank you for visiting!!
First off, do you know what a manga is?
A manga is a Japanese comic book... it isn't like Captan America comic books for kids though... manga are more for teens and adults. There are two kinds,  Shojo and Shounen.
Shounen is a kango word that literally means 'few years' and generally refers to a typical boy going to elementary to high school.
Shojo on the other hand is aimed at a young females life, in fact Shojo means young woman. Usually this type of manga concentrates on romance. relationships, and deep emotions.
There are different themes as well:
Yuri: Girl x girl
Yaoi: Boy x boy

1st manga I suggest you read is Black Bird!

Black Bird Vol 1.jpg
Black Bird talks about the life of a high school girl who can see ghosts and demons since she was little. On her 16th birthday the demons attack her for she is a fruit who when eaten,  the person will earn eternal youth and beauty, and if made as bride  the clan will gain prosperity and power!

Her childhood friend saves her, but sadly she cannot seem to remember him. As she spends more time with him she finds out he was a demon as well... and not just any demon.. but a clan leader!

What will she do? Will she remember her affections for him and marry him? Will she object her fate and ask to be alone? I already know the answer... you could too... if you read it.

Black Bird is a romantic, comedy, drama, and supernatural shojo manga..

Yellow Fever
June  01, 2016

The origins and definitions

yellow.jpgYellow Fever is a viral hemorrhagic disease. It is called ‘yellow’ for the patients that are infected and the yellow color they become.  Nowadays Yellow Fever is mostly seen in South America and tropical areas of the African continent. In 1793, 10% of the Pennsylvanian and Philadelphian population were killed by the Yellow fever ; they gauged  the fever was brought by the refugees from Latin America.  In our modern world, yellow fever is mostly transmitted by mosquitos to people, mosquitos to monkeys then to humans , or it can be transmitted from people to people. Especially in urban areas we are not only contributing a higher risk for spreading the fever but we are also giving an environment for  other deadly diseases .

The most efficient way of preventing yellow fever is avoiding going to South America , tropical areas in Africa, zoos where you can get infected by imported monkeys, or it’s recommended to take efficient vaccines which afterwards you will be given an International Certificate of Vaccination. You should be careful that the Yellow fever vaccine takes effect after 30 days.


Early signs include fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, and jaundice. Symptoms often go away after about 3 - 4 days.
Mid signs : Fever will start to go away with other symptoms , or some people would get worse with the symptoms .
Late signs : Problems with organ occurs, bleeding disorders, coma and seizures may also happen.
If you feel being infected by the virus, quickly make a test where they will take some of your blood. People also become yellow because of the virus ( except some Asian people who are genetically yellow skinned ).

Treatment of the disease

Once you get involved in a Yellow fever infection , it’s hard to cure since in our modern world we still have not found an efficient way to treat Yellow fever .The doctor will make sure you will be in a highly separated room from others , especially mosquitos for not infecting other people .They will also make sure your blood pressure is normal , replace plasma with proteins for improving blood clotting , and providing dialysis for kidney failure.

mercoledì 25 maggio 2016

The Durian

Durians are fruits which are mostly from Indonesia and Malaysia. They are widely revered as the ‘King of the Fruits’ and they weigh between 1 to 4 kg. Durians  are the worst smelling fruit in the world but the taste is surprising. Like other fruits , the Durian contains high amounts of  vitamin C, simple sugar , prevents cancer, and contains essential high amounts of amino acids. Durians are not only loved by people living in tropical areas but are also one of the fruits that monkeys love most .

How to Survive the Finals

How to Survive the Finals

School is almost over! However, we have the exams just before school ends, in about 2 weeks. It's a stressful time of the year, but after this, we are completely free! Today, I will tell you a few things that will be probably helpful for the exams.

Study Tips
1. Wear comfortable clothes while studying.  This is going to help you feel peaceful.

2. Get away from all distractions such as your phone, tablet, etc. -anything that is going to make you unable to concentrate.

3. Organize all your books, notebooks, pens, and study in a tidy environment. 

4. Eat healthy snacks and drink water while studying instead of unhealthy food.

5. Take breaks.  Don't study for 5 hours non-stop.

6. Do not leave studying for the last night.  Start studying before.

Try not to stress
Everything is going to be harder when you stress out.  Studying is going to be tiresome, and writing the exam will be exhausting, so just relax. 


School is About to End! Yaaaaaay!!! ....BUT THE EXAMS ARE CLOSE TOO T^T

The time we all love and hate! School ending and finals!
The closer we get to summer,  the closer come the exams.  It's so stressful and exciting don't you think?
You probably think, "Nope, because I probably failed." Well... you are very wrong there sir/missy. Stop being so negative and
what's that word again?
Annoying... seriously, we all know that if you were to actually open your book and study you can do it. I don't mean to seem rude, or mean, I just think people need to have more confidence in themselves.... even if I sometimes lose hope ( / _ _ )/.

It's ok to have some hope, just not too much (^_~).

So ( ' ' )? What are you waiting for? 
Hit those books and pass like a boss!

Then, of course, enjoy your summer \(^ v ^)/

Yes, you did waste 10 minutes of your life reading this. (> v ^)
Dragon fruit

Dragon fruits have high number of antioxidants, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, proteins, fatty acids, and low calories which can help in diets. They have no carbohydrates so they can be more easily broken down and they can lower the chance of getting cancer. What’s uncommon about the dragon fruit is that the flower opens for only one night, and it must be pollinated at night or it won’t produce the fruit. For this reason, the tree is also called the ‘Queen of the night’ .